Suggest a Cause

We'd love to hear about any good causes that you may be aware of that we could donate to. They must be local to Eagle Mountain, Utah. They should be for an organization, person, or family that really needs it. Also, we'd love to know what experiences you've had. If you've worked on projects like this, benefitted from them, or been involved in any way, we'd love to hear about it. If there are things you think we should watch out for or be careful of, or any other suggestions you'd like to make, please let us know! The admins and moderators of the group will select a handful and put up a poll for the group to vote on.

Full Name:

Email Address:

Please describe your suggestion to the best of your ability, including names and contact information for this cause. (limit 3000 characters)


Share any previous experience you've had with donation campaigns. Please include what went well, what did not go well, how you fixed it, and things to watch for. (limit 3000 characters)


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